Diamond Harbour Ramblers
We are a group, including some from Governor's Bay and further afield, who go on a ramble from 10am to around 2.30pm on Tuesdays (finishing at a cafe!) Different levels […]
We are a group, including some from Governor's Bay and further afield, who go on a ramble from 10am to around 2.30pm on Tuesdays (finishing at a cafe!) Different levels […]
A simple form of meditation that enhances mental and physical wellbeing and reduces anxiety, stress, depression, exhaustion, and irritability. Meditation is not a religion, simply a method of mental training. […]
Meets on the third Tuesday of the month. If you are interested in joining our friendly club, please email diamondharbourcameraclub@gmail.com or contact Tim on 027 860 8938. Tim Cheesebrough