Walking Tracks
Put on your walking shoes and enjoy the walking tracks of Diamond Harbour and the surroundings.
See this local street map to find your way around.
Diamond Harbour Walks
Walking Tracks
A comprehensive list of walks in and around on the south side of the harbour from Purau to Orton Bradley Park and Quail Island.
Historical Walk
An easy one-and-a-half-hour walk
An historic walk around Diamond Harbour. Maps available from Church Bay Store and the local cafes.
Mt Herbert Tramp
Diamond Harbour to Mt Herbert
Catch the ferry to Diamond Harbour and walk to the Peninsula’s highest summit. Closed for lambing 8 Aug to 15 Oct. Crosses private farmland.
Orton Bradley Walks
An abundance of walks
Enjoy many walks from 15 mins to 1/12 hours; through Southern Beech and North American Conifers to historic buildings and on to the café. There is a small entry fee to Orton Bradley Park.
Packhorse Hut
Historic tramping hut
Remarkable Dykes rock formations and views over Lyttelton harbour make a lovely tramp. Day walkers welcome to visit. Good walk to historic tramping hut. Fun for kids. Overnight users must book hut on www.doc.govt.nz.
Rod Donald
Day walkers welcome
Allow 50 mins to hut from Port Levy saddle, 6 hours from Hilltop. During lambing closure, 1 Sep – 25 Oct, access from Port Levy Saddle only. Overnight users must pre-book online through www.doc.govt.nz.
Summit Link Track
30 mins one way
Shortcut between the summit of Little Mt Herbert and Monument North Track. Note track closes for lambing 8 Aug–15 Oct