
Join our community by subscribing to one or more groups listed below. Read more about each group to help with an informed choice for your subscription.

Group Information

Select a group tab below to read more information and contact details. Please note that not all groups offer a subscription.

Charteris Bay

Church Bay

Diamond Harbour


Port Levy

Charteris Bay Residents Association

Chair: Howard Buchanan
Treasurer: David Wensley
Secretary: Sandy de Vries.

Committee Members: Mike Keenan, Glenn Whisker, Andy Roberton, Mike Pearson, Jill Pattinson, Graeme Finlay and David Ferguson.


Friends of Orton Bradley

Become a friend of Orton Bradley Park. The yearly membership, counting from the date of payment, entitles you and your family (travelling in the same car) to free entry to the Park. You will also receive an annual newsletter. Your membership will help to protect and maintain this community asset for future generations.

Annual Membership: $35 per family


Church Bay Neighbourhood Association

We aim to support improvements to our district and encourage neighbourliness. The Committee meets whenever there is a need and communication to members is via the Facebook page (CBNA Facebook), The Herald, or this website. CBNA became incorporated in 2012 but previous to that the Association had a long history in Church Bay with the first General Meeting in April 1990.
Membership: Any residents/owners/ratepayers in the Church Bay area is a member – everyone is welcome! We also welcome donations.
Annual Donation: $10 per household

Chair: Ian Currie 029 200 7919
Deputy Chair: Tom Kuenning 021 024 11788
Secretary: Dawn Sutton 027 259 2758
Treasurer: Tracey Ower 021 186 5059

Committee: Belinda Currie, Ivan Lawrie, Huhana and Shane Carter, Lisa Hurry , Iain Kirkwood, and Meg Still.

Contact: Dawn Sutton 027 259 2757

Diamond Harbour Community Association

The objective of the Association is to promote the welfare and interest of residents and ratepayers of the Diamond Harbour area and to support the maintenance, upgrading, and provision of infrastructure and community facilities, and the enhancement of the natural environment of the area. Membership is open to all adult residents.

Annual Membership: $5 per person.

The committee meets on the 1st Monday of the month at 7.30pm in the Green Room. All meetings are open to the public and start with a public forum.

Committee: Graeme Fraser – Chair, Nathan Graham – Vice Chair, Joy McLeod – Minutes Secretary, Jann Meehan – Treasurer
Committee Members: Karen Colyer, Janine Clarke, Phil Ross, Margie Dickinson, Katrina Miller, Rodney White

Village Planning
Village Planning Community Consultation
Information can be found on the Village Planning page

Contact: Joy McLeod 021 0272 1228

Hall and Stage Room
View current bookings for the Diamond Harbour Hall and Stage Room


Bookings: Margie Dickinson 329 3331 or
Maintenance: Karen Colyer 329 3006 or 021 0488 938

Friends of Te Rā

Friends of Te Ra Community Park Inc. is an incorporated society that has been establishing a community park on the corner section of Waipapa Avenue and Te Ra Crescent. The 2,000m² section (38 Waipapa Ave) is owned by the Christchurch City Council. FOTR has negotiated a lease with Council to retain the section as green space and to safeguard the ecological and recreational use values of the site.

Annual Membership: $10 Per Person


Friends of Stoddart Cottage

Stoddart Cottage is the oldest dwelling in Diamond Harbour and was the birthplace of well-known Canterbury artist Margaret Stoddart. The cottage is owned by Christchurch City Council and leased to the Stoddart Cottage Trust. Friends of Stoddart Cottage subscription supports the heritage protection role and activities at the cottage. Members will receive newsletters; notifications of monthly art exhibitions; and invitations to events at the cottage.

Annual Membership: $25 per household.

Health Support Group

We are a group whose primary concern is to encourage the medical presence in our area. Our building was erected by volunteers 32 years ago, and we are in the fundraising and consent process for an urgently needed upgrade. We welcome anyone who shares our concerns to join us.

Annual Membership: $10 per household


Diamond Harbour Herald

A community newspaper produced by a team of volunteers, published monthly (except January) by the DH Community Association. The Herald focuses on local issues and seeks to promote local groups / organisations by publicising their activities and offerings.
Printing costs are offset by advertising and yearly subscriptions (01 March to 28 February) of $10.
The Herald is delivered free to all addresses between Teddington and Port Levy that receive Rural Delivery and also PO boxes in Diamond Harbour. Readers who do not receive their free Herald in this way may opt to have the Herald emailed to them or for a printed copy to be posted for $25.

Annual Membership

(Rural Delivery) $10
(Email) $10
(Postal) $25
Per household

Herald subscribers may place free non-commercial classifieds.

Ph: 022 156 1097.

Youth & Community Trust

The purpose of the trust is to enhance the hauora (well-being) of young people and the wider community, strengthen social connections, and encourage a sense of belonging. The trust runs a weekly youth club, holiday activities, camps, and community events, and a shoppers’ van that takes people to the city for shopping each fortnight. Your household membership will help these activities continue and members receive a six-monthly newsletter to keep you up to date with the activities and successes of the trust.

Annual Membership: $20 per household

Contact: or follow us on Facebook.

Purau Residents Association

Membership is open to all residents.

We don’t have a members list or executive.

We are pretty casual!

Port Levy Residents Association

The Association serves the land and people of the harbour of Port Levy and its catchment. Its objects are to ascertain, make known and act upon local needs and feelings concerning the area and to liaise with local bodies and other persons and bodies for that object, and to promote neighbourliness. Membership open to all Port Levy residents.

Committee: Chairperson David Round
Secretary: Karyn Davis

Contact: Karyn Davis, (027) 629 4979