
In and around Diamond Harbour. Here you will find descriptions and contact information for all sports and recreation

person planting native seedling

Reserve Volunteers

Bringing together local people passionate about maintaining and improving the public reserves and other special green spaces around this area.

Meetings every 2 months. Working bees and planting days at various times of year. Come and join us.


art group heading with 3 coloured circles

Art Group

Wednesdays 9.30am

Meets at the Church hall during school terms.

Colin Blanchard 027 211 9223

chat symbol above a book

Book Discussion


Meets the 4th Thursday of each month in members’ homes.
Annette Smale 329 4148


Meets the 4rd Tuesday of each month in members homes.
Joy McLeod 329 4119


hand held pack of bridge cards

Bridge Club

Monday 6.30pm and Tuesday 1.30pm

Meets in the Committee Room at DH Community Hall. New members welcome.

Contact: or Pauline Croft on 329 4414 or 027 363 6302.

children planting vegetable garden at their local school

Garden Club

Diamond Harbour & Purau

Meet on first Monday of the month at 1.30pm in the Green Room, DH Community Hall.

Bruce Glennie 329 3102


Camera Club

Third Tuesday of the month

Meets in the Green Room. All Welcome.

Tim 027 860 8938

old image of the Stoddart Famil 1871

Historical Association

Second Tuesdays of the month

Promotion, research, preservation of matters of historical interest within the districts.
Meets in the Green Room. All welcome.

Philippa Drayton 027 224 2421

person in meditation with outlook on mountains

Mindfulness Meditation

A simple form of non-religious meditation

Suitable for all, which brings about a sense of calm, happiness and wellbeing.
Meets 6pm every Tuesday at 7A Whero Ave. New meditators welcome.

Ron Dubin 022 156 1097

local singing group

Harbour Singers

World music taught in a supportive and friendly atmosphere

Practices held every Wednesday during school terms, 7 – 8:30 pm in the Green Room. New members welcome.

Call Margie Newton at 022 341 7235 or email

five finger native seedling

Predator Free

Diamond Harbour

Helping protect our native birds and wildlife by coordinating trapping activities across this area, including in backyards and throughout our reserves.

Local coordinator: Dave Hammond –

walking group on a hillside walking in a row


Walking group

Meets each Tuesday. 9 am to 2.30 pm

Mahony May 329 4639​

sailing with the local sea scouts

Scouts and Cubs

Thursday 6pm

Meets at the Scout Den.

Pete Ozich 329 3093

hikers relaxing on mt herbert walk

Mt Herbert Friendship Club

A group of Men and Women

We meet on the first Thursday of the month at the Charteris Bay Golf Club at 10am for fun, fellowship and a cuppa.

Paul Pritchett (President) 329 4826
Russell Lienert (Acting Secretary) 329 4066

people around a table with writing pads and coffee cups

Writers Group

Meets monthly

Members bring work to read on the chosen topic or theme; meetings normally taking place on the third Wednesday afternoon of each month.

Rex Harrison 329 4920
Bryan Fowler 329 3135

a group of people peforming tai chi under a large tree

Tai Chi

Tai Chi Group welcomes new members

Ancient mind/body exercises, performed in a slow and flowing manner designed to keep the body in constant motion and promote flexibility, improve brain function and reduce stress.
At the Hall Thursdays 10.30am-12.30pm, cost $35 for 8 weeks.

Peter Fischer 329 4835

old wooden cottage with picket fence diamond harbour stoddart cottage

Stoddart Cottage

Friends of the Cottage

Aims to restore Stoddart Cottage and Garden.

Colin McLeod 329 4119

a messy room of toys in a toy library

Toy Library

1st and 3rd Saturday of the month 10am – 12noon

Verandah Room at the Diamond Harbour Community Hall
